An-Najah News - Nablus - With the summer comes, we all want to appear with a graceful body and an ideal weight. However, parties, Weddings and social events increase during the summer, so most of us gaining more weight. Here are 7 tips that will allow you to avoid gaining more weight.


Eat the right amounts of calories: stick to the calories you set daily and prevent having more of them to prevent gaining weight.


Exercise regularly: do 15 to 40 minutes of exercise a day, such as walking, jogging, swimming or aerobics. These exercises can stimulate blood circulation, burn calories, and help with weight control.


Eating protein in breakfast: There is no doubt that breakfast is a very important meal because it provides the body with the energy it needs during the day. It is recommended to eat foods rich of protein, such as toast, eggs, oats and beans. These dishes are rich in carbohydrates and contain a high percentage of proteins that the stomach slowly digests and give a feeling of satiety.


Avoid fatty meals: To maintain proper weight and good health, it is recommended that you stop eating fatty and high-calorie meals. Instead replace it with healthy food.


Reducing the consumption of desserts: We all love eating sweets, pies and baked doughs, but unfortunately they contain a high percentage of sugars that help to gain weight. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce its intake and replace it with fresh seasonal fruits rich in fiber, vitamins and