An-Najah News -  Young people are less vulnerable to severe coronavirus infections But certain factors that can put anyone at risk of serious illness, regardless of age.

 A new study from researchers at the University of California, San Francisco determined that one in three young adults ages 18 to 25 are vulnerable to severe COVID-19 cases  if they had least one risk factor, including a smoking habit or chronic illness like heart disease, diabetes, asthma, obesity, autoimmune disease, or liver problems.

The findings came just days after the World Health Organisation warned about the link between smoking and severe coronavirus cases.

"Evidence reveals that smokers are more vulnerable than non-smokers to developing a severe case of COVID-19."

The study found that the risk of severe coronavirus infections from smoking or e-cigarette use was highest among young, white males with lower incomes who were uninsured for at least part of the year.

But even young patients without a smoking habit or underlying health conditions could still be at risk of a serious case of COVID-19.