An-Najah News -  Israeli settlers living in occupied West Bank settlements attacked  Palestinian journalist Mohanned Qafesheh in his home city in Hebron, causing him injuries to the head.

The journalist, Qafesheh, who works for Palestine Sports Channel, said he attempted to defend himself against the settlers' attack while Israeli forces stood idly by and provided the settlers with protection while they beat him up.

B'Tselem, the Israeli information center for human rights in occupied territories, said: "Settler violence has long since become part of Palestinians’ daily life under occupation. Israeli security forces enable these actions, which result in Palestinian casualties – injuries and fatalities – as well as damage to land and property.

 In some cases, they even serve as an armed escort, or even join in the attacks."

"Investigations, if even opened, are usually closed with no action taken against perpetrators as part of an undeclared policy of leniency.

 The long-term effect of this violence is the dispossession of Palestinians from increasing parts of the West Bank, making it easier for Israel to take over land and resources," stated the center.

Under international law, Israel has a duty to protect Palestinians in the West Bank from this conduct.