An-Najah News - Scientists confirm the discovery of the largest and oldest quasar star

A team of scientists led by a graduate student at the University of Insupria, Italy, Silvia Peladetta, announced the oldest and largest glowing "Blazar", and it was called "PSO J030947.49 + 271757.3", and it is the first known star in such a "redshift."

The plasma is a special class of active galaxy nuclei, representing the centers of specific galaxies through supermassive black holes that feed on large quantities of gas, dust, and stars.

When this substance is located in the black hole, it becomes very active and vital, which leads to the release of luminous amounts of matter and radiation traveling at speeds close to the speed of light.

What separates the bazars from the nuclei of ordinary active galaxies is their orientation towards Earth, according to the Weiss website.